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Synerco Hong Kong was established in 2017. The group company has been developing air sterilization and purification technologies and applications, and responding to the widespread application of antibacterial and antiviral technologies to alleviate health concerns for businesses and citizens.

Provide peace of mind to the public

Citizens have been closely following the epidemic and medical information for a long time, trying to find the most suitable prevention method for them. However, the transmission route of the virus is really difficult to predict. How can they go out with peace of mind and return to simple daily life?


We start by addressing particles suspended in the air and bacteria and viruses that cling to surfaces.


One of the main transmission routes of viruses is through the air, called aerosols, and viruses, bacteria, pollen, etc. are spread around aerosols. According to the World Health Organization’s updated guidance on the new coronavirus in April 2021, it was emphasized that aerosol transmission of COVID-19 is more serious than general contact infections, which shows that we need to take the issues of air quality and pollutants seriously.


Therefore, Synerco is committed to providing comprehensive solutions with technology, services and products to reduce transmission risks.

Not only does it clean, it also kills!

Long-lasting bacteria and virus elimination technology - GERMAGIC™

Bacteria and Virus Elimination Service - SYNERCO DISINFECTION SERVICE

Air disinfection and purification products - RENSAIR

Long-lasting bacteria and virus elimination technology - GERMAGIC™

A new multi-layered bactericidal coating (MAP-1) developed by the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology-Chiaphua Joint Laboratory can effectively kill the new coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2)* and more than 100 types of viruses and bacteria. High-efficiency germicidal coating is a broad-spectrum germicidal coating effective against bacteria, mold and viruses. Confirmed to be safe, non-toxic, alcohol-free, and non-irritating to the skin.

*Passed the international ASTM E1053-20 testing standard, and was entrusted by the authoritative laboratory of the U.S. EPA specification and International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation (ILAC-a2La) to test the new coronavirus (COVID-19 virus, SARS-CoV-2) and human pneumonia Viruses are tested.

Bacteria and Virus Disinfection Service - SYNERCO DISINFECTION SERVICE

SDS uses GERMAGIC™ technology to provide customers with disinfection services. It uses its "contact killing" function to kill viruses. It is effective for up to ninety days and has a neutral pH value. It is suitable for different materials such as metal, concrete, wood, glass, and plastic. On the surface.

Medical grade air purification products - RENSAIR

RENSAIR medical grade air purifier developed by Danish engineers, byUS EPA and ARB certification, and was also included in the list by the Hong Kong Food and Environmental Hygiene Department.Danish Institute of TechnologyThe test report results indicate that it can kill 99.98% of SARS-CoV-2 (Covid-19 virus) within 15 minutes, and at the same time, 100% of the Covid-19 virus in the filter cartridge is eliminated. Each Rensair provides "medical-grade air" to over a thousand square feet of indoor space, effectively purifying the air and improving air quality.

Clean air is the right that everyone should have.

our customers

科大殺菌塗層可抗病毒 嶼巴為近140巴士消毒

科大殺菌塗層可抗病毒 嶼巴為近140巴士消毒

乘搭公共交通工具時,市民難免會擔心增加接觸病菌風險。嶼巴採用本地大學研發的一款新型多層次抗病毒殺菌塗層,可殺滅時下的新冠肺炎病毒,並對人體及環境無害,有效期更長達90天;今(15日)起一連兩天會為旗下路綫近140架巴士進行噴灑消毒工作。 「香港科技大學-捷和實業有限公司創新環境健康技術聯合實驗室」楊經倫教授團隊研發了一款新型多層次殺菌塗層GERMAGIC THYME™️,據研究結果顯示,該殺菌塗層有效殺滅99.9%的麻疹、腮腺炎、風疹等高傳染性病毒。同時,更可殺滅99.9%的貓杯狀病毒,由於該病毒的抗藥性高於所有冠狀病毒,即亦能殺滅時下的新冠肺炎病毒。有效期更長達90天。 復活節人流增 與疫情前相若 新大嶼山巴士(1973)有限公司副總經理陳天龍表示,巴士車廂空間有限,乘客、車長長時間停留於車廂中,故選擇消毒產品時,特別關注產品對人體的安全性。該殺菌塗層獲多項測試報告證明能有效殺滅病毒、細菌,當中包括對皮膚以及呼吸道等測試,均對人體及環境無害。 陳指出,受疫情影響,嶼巴的整體收入比去年跌近5成,下跌客量主要來自口岸的巴士路綫;不過剛過去的復活節假期港人前往大嶼山及郊外地區人流大增,令假日載客量與疫情前相若。未來會因應疫情及客量需求以調整巴士班次,並分階段實施;另採用自願無薪假的方式應對,不會裁員及減薪,希望與全港市民共渡難關。

1. Synerco Disinfection Service is a GERMAGIC service team of Absolute Pure, Head of Operation HKUST-CIL. All quotations are acting on behalf of Absolute Pure and subject to final approval. Absolute Pure has the right to assign any GERMAGIC service team for the MAP -1 antiviral coating.
2. All GERMAGIC service teams will ONLY use Victory electrostatic spray guns for MAP-1 coating applications.

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